Troubleshooting Your Account🔗

If you are unable to login to your compute resource this guide will help you troubleshoot. In the majority of cases being unable to login is caused by missing a step in the setup guide, or simply not waiting for 24 hours before trying to login.

For any resource: Ensure your account is correct🔗

Please follow the steps in the Applying for a SUPR account. In particular, ensure that you have approved the NAISS user agreement, joined a Compute project and sent in an Account Request.

SUPR does not list an account under "Accounts"🔗

Ensure that you have joined a Compute project.

I changed my SUPR password but I can still not login?🔗

The SUPR account is a separate account. You need to apply for a separate Chalmers account to login to Alvis.

For Alvis: Your computer must be must be connected to SUNET🔗

Alvis OnDemand and the Alvis login nodes is accessible from SUNET. SUNET is available at all universities in Sweden. Please use a VPN, such as the Chalmers VPN if you are trying to connect from your home, a coffe shop, or train etc.

No route to host is a common connection error when trying to connect to Alvis using SSH outside of SUNET.

$ ssh <CID>
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host

If you have determined that you are connected to SUNET most likely there is an issue with your account.

For Vera: Your computer must be must be connected to Chalmers network🔗

Vera is only accessible via Chalmers and Gothenborg University local network. If you are outside Chalmers network you can try Chalmers VPN.