The ackronym C3SE was historically Chalmers' Centre for Computational Science and Engineering, but now stands for Chalmers e-Commons e-Infrastructure group.
Local resources¶
In addition to the resources provided in cooperation with NAISS, there are some additional resources funded locally available for Chalmers users (and some groups at GU).
Policies for distribution and usage of these are decided by the e-Commons steering group. All Chalmers department have an allocation on the computing resource Vera, please contact your supervisor etc. for information on how to join "your" project.
To join a project you need to register in the SUPR portal, to do this is a good start. If you are not present in the system already, use the Register New Person button under Using SUPR on the SUPR homepage.
The people working for Chalmers e-Commons e-Infrastructure group¶
- Sverker Holmgren (director of Chalmers e-Commons)
- Thomas Svedberg
- Mikael Öhman
- Viktor Rehnberg
- Leonard Nielsen
- Chia-Jung Hsu
- Yunqi Shao
- Sahar M. K. al-Zaidawi