Personal Certificates🔗

Employees at Chalmers can be issued personal certificates from Sectigo.

Get a certificate🔗

  • To be able to request a certificate you need to have your ID checked and verified at Chalmers. If you know that you have had it checked and verified you can proceed to the next step. If not, then you need to have your ID checked by your institution's PDB registrar. If your ID is not validated, you will most likely get an error message saying "You are not allowed to self enroll".

  • To request a certificate go to Type "Chalmers" in the box for "identity provider" and select "Chalmers".

  • You will be redirected to the Chalmers IDP where you use your CID and the corresponding password to login.

  • In the portal select profile "GÉANT IGTF-MICS Personal". Follow the on-screen instructions.

  • Select the valid term in days

  • Select Enrollment Method. The simplest solution is Key Generation (if it is okay that the key is generated on the server side)

  • Select Key Type with appropriate number of bits

  • Provide the P12 Password that will be used to encrypt the PKCS#12 file you get back

  • Download the certificate from the portal. To use your certificate you need to import it in applications that will use it.