The SSC cloud is built on Intel Xeon Gold 6130 (code-named "skylake") CPU's. The system consists of:
- In total 8 compute nodes (total of 256 cores) with a total of 1152 GiB of RAM.
There's 2 x 25Gigabit high-speed/low-latency Ethernet network for parallel computations and filesystem access. The nodes are equipped with Mellanox ConnectX-4 Ethernet adapters, connected to a 100Gb/s backbone.
The servers are build by Supermicro and the compute node hardware by Intel, the system is delivered by Southpole.
The system is connect to to the Cephyr system for block and object storage. For general information on running jobs, see SSC webpage
If you need some kind of support (trouble logging in, how to run your software, etc.) please first
- Contact the PI of your project and see if he/she can help
- Talk with your fellow students/colleagues
- Contact SSC support