Login using a Terminal🔗

Prev: How to login

⚠ This guide requires that you have completed: Applying for an account

πŸ•Έ Please note that Alvis can only be access from SUNET and Vera from the Chalmers or GU network. If you are trying to connect from your home, a coffee shop or from a train you need to connect using a VPN.

1) Open a Terminal on your local machine

2 For Alvis users) Enter the following command:

$ ssh <CID>@alvis1.c3se.chalmers.se

2 For Vera users) Enter the following command:

$ ssh <CID>@vera1.c3se.chalmers.se

3) When prompted, enter the password for your Chalmers account and press Enter. Please note that the password will not appear as you type. Be careful not to use your SUPR account credentials as they will not work.


$ ssh nils@alvis1.c3se.chalmers.se
nils@alvis1.c3se.chalmers.se's password:
      ,   |\ ,__        
      |\   \/   `.         
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  /_.'`  `.  |`            β–ˆ  β–ˆ    β–ˆ    β–ˆ     β–ˆ              //||\\
           \ |            

For support, see https://www.c3se.chalmers.se/support

Note that for large filetransfers you should use alvis2 which is the dedicated
data transfer node.

Last login: Tue Jun 27 14:24:34 2023
[nils@alvis1 ~]$ 

Next: How to login